About Us
Mederi: Latin; meaning: to heal, remedy, comfort, and amend.
Mederi Media offers an extensive point-of-care (POC) healthcare media network designed to reach consumers and healthcare professionals (HCPs) at clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies across Canada.
A proud member of Ad Standards, our POC network consists of digital out-of-home (DOOH) assets, static OOH assets, custom-built networks, print material distribution programs (from brochures and educational guides to eye-catching pamphlets), survey programs with doctors and pharmacists, and custom field representative programs enabling 1:1 connections between brands and HCPs—bringing valuable brand messaging to consumers and HCPs in trusted, impactful, and effective environments.
Serving as the healthcare division of OOH and experiential marketing company Eat It Up Media (EIUM), Mederi aims to take the guesswork out of healthcare advertising, all while elevating the consumer experience with contextual, informative, and educational messaging.